Confirmed Speakers:
Jaakko Kaprio
Monica Rankin
Nancy Seagal
Lise Dubois
Gonneke Willemsen
Jeff Craig
Dale Nyholt
John Hopper
Juko Ando
Lucas Ferreira
Chika Honda
Program Outline:
Monday 20th June
08:00-10:00 Registration desk is open
09:00-09:15 Acknowledgement of Country and Opening of the meeting
09:15-17:00 ICTS Scientific Sessions @ QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
18:00-21:00 Behavior Genetics (BGA) Annual Meeting Welcome function @ Stokehouse Q in South Bank (tickets for the Welcome function will be available for purchase).
Key Dates:
Registration and Abstract submission will open in February
Pre-conference workshop 14th-17th June
There will be a pre-conference OpenMx (Twin modelling) workshop held at QIMR Berghofer from the 14th-17th June. Please email Sarah Medland [sarahMe(at)qimr(dot)edu(dot)au] if you want to register your interest in participating in the workshop. Please note the workshop size will be capped at 25 participants.
Congress page: https://genepi.qimr.edu.au/events/ists2016/general.html