TWINS Congress 2023
The Joint 6th World Congress on Twin Pregnancy: a Global Perspective
The 18th Congress of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS)
15-17 June 2023
Budapest, Hungary
Main Topics:
Care in pregnancy and labour
Delivery of twins: Cesarean delivery, PPH
Emerging methods in twin research
Genomic studies of complex trails: the value of twins
Large collaborative studies in twin birth cohorts
Neuroimaging & the brain: role of twin studies
New developments with the biology and genetics of twinning
Obstetrical issues in twin pregnancy: prenatal screening and diagnosis
Omics twin studies
Periconceptional aspects of multiple pregnancy
Perinatal mortality and morbidity in multiple pregnancy
Preterm birth and prematurity
Psychological studies of twins
Special issues: US doppler anomalies, TTTS, TAPS, MCMA
Twin-related complications