Welcome to the website of the Hungarian Twin Registry!

Welcome to the website of the Hungarian Twin Registry! Currently, the voluntary Hungarian Twin Registry consists of more than 600 adult twin pairs and multiplets. Current research focuses mainly on cardiovascular and respiratory health and yielded multiple awards and publications. Efforts are on the way to expand into social, psychological, and obesity studies. The work of our registry has been awarded at multiple conferences, without your registration our work would not be so successful.
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Tárnoki Ádám 2015, March 16 - 14:40

Go anywhere from the 23,000-seat basketball arena to the library at the University of Kentucky and there is a good chance you will be seeing double.

http://www.today.com/news/seeing-double-university-kentucky-has-113-sets...  / HTR News

Tárnoki Ádám 2015, March 16 - 14:37

Moment twin baby boys are reunited for the first time since they were born ten weeks prematurely weighing just 3Ibs each and put into separate incubators


Tárnoki Ádám 2015, March 16 - 14:36

It's rare for regular sisters to be pregnant at the same time, but for triplet sisters to be?! That seems almost impossible.

http://fb-55.sfglobe.com/2015/02/10/triplets-are-pregnant-at-the-same-ti... / HTR News

Tárnoki Ádám 2015, March 16 - 14:28

Miles from the nearest road on the great plains of Hungary, the Papp Lukács brothers lived off the vegetables they grew and the animals they reared. Their way of life was hardly touched by modernity – though they did own a radio, and rode mopeds to market. Over several seasons in the 1980s, photographer János Stekovics made a fascinating record of their rural lives, which is now a book.

Tárnoki Ádám 2015, March 13 - 14:52

Identical twins in Finland who shared the same sports and other physical activities as youngsters but different exercise habits as adults soon developed quite different bodies and brains, according to a fascinating new study that highlights the extent to which exercise shapes our health, even in people who have identical genes and nurturing.

Forrás: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/03/04/one-twin-exercises-the-other-do... / HTR News


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